Free music education
for every child.
Superar works with professional musicians to offer children and young people free access to cultural education, so that they can benefit from the multilayered positive impact of music irrespective of their cultural, religious, linguistic and financial backgrounds. Superar currently works with over 4,500 children and young people in seven European countries.
Taking advantage of already established structures through cooperations with schools and other institutions. The exchange between the musicians and children, and between the 25 Superar locations, plays an essential role in overcoming barriers and building bridges for the future.
Music brings joy and reveals individual potential.
Music works. It makes us laugh and cry. It inspires us to dance and sing. It connects people who have nothing else in common. Music education not only develops the musical abilities of children and young people, it also strengthens other important skills such as concentration, commitment, communication skills, creativity, self-perception, self-discipline, self-confidence and a sense of responsibility. These positive effects of the wonderful world of music are scientifically proven.
One stage
for many talents.
At Superar every child is a superstar, irrespective of their social, financial, religious or cultural backgrounds. That is why we give them a stage worthy of a superstar.
Boundless joy and friendship.
Music knows no boundaries, visible or invisible. Friendships are formed across social, ethnic, religious and political barriers.
Making music together boosts tolerance, consideration, teamwork, and communication skills.
It creates a sense of community and an understanding that each language and each cultural heritage is of equal value. It helps individuals to find and anchor their identity and enriches all of us to experience this diversity. Integration, equal opportunities and the facilitation of education – that is what Superar stands for.
Small beginnings of
something great.
Superar was founded in 2009 by the renowned Viennese institutions Wiener Konzerthaus, Wiener Sängerknaben and Caritas of the Archdiocese of Vienna. Under its previous name “Vorlaut”, Superar supported 350 children in the subject of choir singing at three primary schools in Vienna.
In 2012, Superar started its activities in Switzerland – the first programmatic location outside of Austria. In 2013, a project across these locations resulted in the foundation of the orchestra, which would be Superar’s first freely accessible instrumental programme. The same year marked the start of further programmatic locations: Styria and Vorarlberg in Austria, as well as Slovakia and Rumania.
2014 marked a further milestone as Superar opened the doors to its new administrative and musical centre in Vienna’s historical Brotfabrik in the district of Favoriten. In 2015, 80 Superar children performed to an audience of millions at the opening of the Eurovision Song Contest in Vienna’s Stadthalle, and Superar started operating in Liechtenstein.
In 2016, Superar began its activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A cooperation with the Vereinigte Bühnen of Vienna enabled the start of Superar’s musical theatre programme. In 2017, in cooperation with the Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität, the percussion class was born. In 2018, the first cooperation with Vienna’s State Opera took place, and the programme locations in Wien Mödling and Hungary were founded. In 2023, a new Superar location was established in Germany.
Today over 4,500 children from seven European countries sing and create music together across borders. Our aim is to keep on growing and moving ever closer together.